REST Overview


  • description
  • pictures/charts about startup, url processing, MQ dialogs


REST is a web server which handle request in REST format. It is used by the user interfaces to get informations about devices, sensor history, send commands, …

How to test REST requests

wget method

You can execute a REST GET request from a console using the wget command. For example you can run:

$ wget -qO-

This will run the request and show you the results (thanks to the -qO- parameter).

FireFox RESTClient

This Firefox plugin will allow you to send easily POST, DELETE and other requests.

Install FF plugin from here:

Lauch with Tools > RestClient

In this example we will use RESTClient for testing POST url

In the RESTClient interface menu go in Headers > Custom Header and :

  • Create a header with name: ‘Content-Type’, value: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
  • You may tick Save to favorites for the next time

Next, go back on the RESTClient main interface and fill the fields. Example for creating a new device:

  • method: ‘POST’, url: ‘http://xxxxx:40405/device/
  • body : name=device%20name&type=plugin&id=diskfree&host=darkstar&description=desc&reference=ref&device_type=diskfree.disk_usage

Then, click on Send

Configuration section in /etc/domogik/domogik.cfg

In Domogik configuration file, there are several options about REST in [rest] section:

  • interfaces : the network interface to use : eth0, lo, …
  • port : the port for the rest service : 40405
  • use_ssl : use ssl (True) or not (False)
  • ssl_certificate : The ssl .crt file
  • ssl_key : The ssl .key file
  • clean_json : display a clean json result (indentation, carriage return) (True) or a raw result (False)

How to use REST with SSL?

Please read the installation documentation.


Rest uses http status codes to identify the error:


code = 200

data = the returned data from the get request (json)


code = 204

data = empty

put (update):

code = 200

data = the updated object (json)

post (create):

code = 201

data = the new object (json)


code = 400

data = {msg: “string describing the error”}

action ok, no content returned:

code = 204

data = Empty