Devices detection


Some plugins can see all devices for the related hardware or service. For example, rfxcom plugin can catch all messages of all devices seen by the Rfxcom product. The onewire can also see all devices when reading the onewire bus. When a device which is not known from Domogik is detected, a message is sent over the MQ and catched by the user interfaces for being displayed.

How to implement this ?

Allow 0 devices created by the user

First, you should make your plugin able to start without any devices created by the user. So, the first time, the user will start the plugin and then will be able to create some devices from the user interfaces.


Keep in mind that for now, when a new device is created, the user has to restart the plugin!

On plugin startup

First, in the __init__() function of your bin class, get the devices list like this (don’t forget the comment to explain why you don’t quit the plugin on startup if no devices are created):

# get the devices list
# for this plugin, if no devices are created we won't be able to use devices.
# but.... if we stop the plugin right now, we won't be able to detect existing device and send events about them
# so we don't stop the plugin if no devices are created
self.devices = self.get_device_list(quit_if_no_device = False)

Then, when you instantiate your plugin lib class, add the self.device_detected() function as a parameter (this is named a callback). Example for the rfxcom plugin:

self.rfxcom_manager = Rfxcom(..., self.device_detected, ...)

In the library

First, get the callback for the device_detected() function like this (this is still the rfxcom example):

class Rfxcom:
    """ Rfxcom

    def __init__(self, ..., cb_device_detected, ...):
        """ Some blah blah
            @param ...
            @param cb_device_detected : callback to handle detected devices
            @param ...

        self.cb_device_detected = cb_device_detected


Then, in the plugin lib class, the way to detect a device can be different from a hardware/service and another one. When you detect a device, don’t focus if it is a known device or not and just get some informations about it:

  • the items about its address or parameters
  • its model or reference if possible
  • any other information that may be useful during a device creation

Then, for each of its feature, call the callback for the device_detected() function. Here is an example for the rfxcom plugin:

# handle device features detection
for feature in ['temperature', 'humidity']:
    self.cb_device_detected(device_type = "rfxcom.temperature_humidity",
                            type = "xpl_stats",
                            feature = feature,
                            data = {"device" : address,
                                    "reference" : model})


Be careful about the reference keyword. This is the only one which must always be named like this! The other ones may be related to the device_types section of the info.json file. Example for rfxcom (we find the same device key which is for this feature of this plugin the device address):

"device_types": {
    "rfxcom.temperature": {
        "description": "",
        "id": "rfxcom.temperature",
        "name": "Temperature sensors",
        "commands": [],
        "sensors": ["temperature", "battery", "rssi"],
        "parameters": [
                "key": "device",
                "xpl" : true,
                "description": "Device address. Example: th9 0xFFFF",
                "type": "string"

There is nothing else to do! This function will check if the device is already created in database. If the device is not created, this device will be stored in memory and a MQ message will be sent.