The brain file treeΒΆ

The brain file tree will at least contains (assuming the brain name is mybrain):

  • : an empty file needed by python
  • info.json : the json file which describe the brain and its features. This file must always be named like this!
  • rs/<lang>/*.rive : the rivescript files
  • doc/ : the sphynx documentation in ReST format
  • design/ : this folder will contain all graphical resources (icons, ...)
    • design/icon.png : the brain icon (png, 96px * 96px). This file must always be named like this!

Some other items may be added:

  • data : if needed this folder can contain data needed by the brain or the brain may write data in it
  • tests : if the brain have some tests scripts, they must be here
  • lib/ : the python libraries
    • lib/ : an empty file needed by python
    • lib/ : the python library part