

No official xPL Schema exists for Plcbus. A dedicated schema has been made for this feature. Discussion on the official xPL Forum about this xPL schema:

plcbus.basic Message specification

  • Class = PLCBUS
  • Type = BASIC


This sends a command to the plcbus plugin. The usercode used is always the same in one house (it only changes if we manage a plcbus system in many houses near from each others). ACK may be ignored if not usable with the defined COMMAND.

USERCODE=<plcbus network usercode>
DEVICE=<sensor name>
COMMAND=<value sent to the device>
[DATA1=<additional data>]
[DATA2=<additional data>]


  • explain more Usercode and Device (with examples)
  • check if ACK is used or not
  • list of available COMMAND values
  • DATA1 and DATA2 : description of usage


It is used to send a message when a command is received from the plcbus network (for ex, is sent by a remote).

USERCODE=<plcbus network usercode>
DEVICE=<device name>
COMMAND=<value sent to the device>
[DATA1=<additional data>]
[DATA2=<additional data>]


This is used to send an acknowledge when an ack command is received or when an event is raised.

USERCODE=<plcbus network usercode>
DEVICE=<device name>
COMMAND=<value sent to the device>
[DATA1=<additional data>]
[DATA2=<additional data>]


Find below manual commands examples, assuming your usercode is “FF”:

Turn ON A1:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "device=A1,command=ON,usercode=FF"

Turn OFF A1:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "device=A1,command=OFF,usercode=FF"

Preselect Dimmer to 40% on A1:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "device=A1,command=PRESET_DIM,usercode=FF,data1=40"

Preselect Dimmer to 40% with 3 secondes Fade Rate on A1:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "device=A1,command=PRESET_DIM,usercode=FF,data1=40,data2=3"

Preselect No Fade Rate on A1:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "device=A1,command=PRESET_DIM,usercode=FF,data2=0"

Turn ALL Ligths OFF:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "command=ALL_LIGHTS_OFF"

Turn ALL Ligths ON:

dmg_send xpl-cmnd plcbus.basic "command=ALL_LIGHTS_ON"