Plugin library part

TODO : “helpers” for special pages


The library part of a plugin can be the first step of your plugin. It you write it in the good way, this library may be usable out of Domogik!

In most cases, a library will contain a class. This class will have a constructor, some functions for actuators features (these functions will be called from the binary part when some xPL messages are catched), some functions for the sensor part (in most cases, it will be an eternal loop to listen to the hardware or to call some services). The sensor functions will be able to send xPL messages by calling some callback functions which refers to functions in the binary part.


..todo ::
  • inifinite loop
  • timer

Focus on the logs

You already learned how to use the log functions in the library part documentation. Let’s see how to do this in the library part.

..todo ::

Focus on xPL : send xPL messages and listen for xPL messages

Send xPL messages

As seen in the library part documentation, the function to send xPL messages are sent to the library class constructor as a parameter:

my_object = MyLibraryClass(self.log, self.send_xpl, self.get_stop())

In the class, set the parameter name to callback (so it will be clear for everybody) and store it in an instance variables named self._callback.

class MyLibraryClass:
    """ My class

    def __init__(self, log, callback, stop):
        """ Init MyLibraryClass
            @param log : log instance
            @param callback : callback
            @param stop : stop flag
        self._log = log
        self._callback = callback
        self._stop = stop

Then, you can use this callback in any function when needed. Example:

def a_function(self):
    """ My function
    # do some things
    arg1 = "abc"
    arg2 = 234
    self._callback(arg1, arg2)

Listen for xPL messages

As explained in the binary part, there is nothing to do in the library about catching some xPL messages. The xPL messages are catched in the binary part, they are analysed and to finish, some functions or methods from the library are directly called from the binary part. So, you just need to prepare the needed function with the parameters you need and call these functions from the binary part.

Focus on devices

Stop the plugin if no device has been created ?


It depends on the plugin :). If there is devices detection, it should not stop for example. Give some examples

Detected devices

In some plugins, the hardware or service is able to see all devices, even if the user didn’t create a Domogik device for it! If so, you should implement the automatic devices detection. So, all detected devices informations will be sent over MQ and the user interfaces will be able to display them.

More informations in the detected devices chapter